Exhibition catalog for Der Riss im Raum: Positionen der Kunst seit 1945 in Deutschland, Polen, der Slowakei und Tschechien [The Fissure in the Room: Positions in Art since 1945 in Germany, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic], curated by Matthias Flügge, Ada Krnáĉová-Gutleber, Anda Rottenberg, and Jiri Svestka, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin (26.11.1994–05.02.1995), later traveled to Galerie Zacheta, Warsaw and Galerie der Hauptstadt, Prague (1995). This exhibition can be seen as an important example of exhibition projects in the 1990s in which art from the former Eastern bloc countries was exhibited in western and eastern Europe. These research projects (which sometimes involved exchanges) actively sought to uncover a fully European post-war history of modern and contemporary art, one that was no longer hampered by the Bloc mentality of the Cold War. Exhibited artists included: Miroslaw Balka, Joseph Beuys, Hanne Darboven, Hermann Glöckner, Zuzanna Janin, Tadeusz Kantor, Július Koller, Edward Krasinski, Zofia Kulik, Ernst Wilhelm Nay, A.R. Penck, Reter Rónai, Rudolf Sikora, Kzysytof Wodiczko, etc.