Igor Stokfiszewski is a literary critic, dramaturg, and member of Krytyka Polityczna. He studied Polish philology at the Łódź University and the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. In the years 2001–2006, he was editor of the literary magazine Ha!art. He collaborates with Krakow’s Willa Decjusza in international literary stipend programmes. Stokfiszewski is the author of the book Zwrot polityczny [Political Shift] (2009); he is co-editor (with Piotr Marecki and Michał Witkowski) of the book Tekstylia, “roczniki siedemdziesiąte” (2002), and co-editor (with Piotr Marecki and Renata Serednicka) of the volume Ludzie, miasta. Literatura Białorusi, Niemiec, Polski i Ukrainy – ślady “nieistniejącego języka” [People, Cities. Literature in Belarus, Germany, Poland and Ukraine – Traces of the Nonexistent Language] (2008). He co-authored the script of the film Na swoje podobieństwo [To His Likeness] Greg Zglinski (dir.) (2001). As dramaturg he has collaborated with the director Wojtek Klemm and Bartosz Szydłowski. Stokfiszewski has published work in, among others Gazeta Wyborcza, Tygodnik Powszechny, Ha!art, FA-art, Notatnik Teatralny and Die Tageszeitung. He contributes as critic to the television programmes Kinematograf (TVP1) and Czytelnia (TVP Kultura). He also works with Teatr Nowy in Warszaw, Teatr Łaźnia Nowa in Krakow and the Berlin Biennale. Igor Stokfiszewski is based in Warsaw. [Last updated 2015]